AP Thailand:
Empowering Living
Through Sustainable Real Estate Development

At AP, we believe that Empowering Living means creating living spaces that meet today’s needs without compromising the need of future’s generation. This requires sustainable practices founded on responsibility to the environment, society, and corporate governance.

Choose to <br/>Protect the Environment
Choose to <br/>Protect the Environment

Choose to
Protect the Environment

We aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

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Choose to <br/>Reduce Social Inequality
Choose to <br/>Reduce Social Inequality

Choose to
Reduce Social Inequality

We create opportunities that empower people
to lead better lives, promoting self-sufficiency and growth.

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Choose <br/>Transparency and Accountability
Choose <br/>Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and Accountability

We strive to be a transparent,
accountable organization that grows sustainably, enhancing the quality of life for the society.

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HABITAT NETWORK A small forest is more than just green spaceit’s the best place for all life to grow together. Beyond absorbing carbon, it nurtures biodiversity with a rich variety of plant life, sustaining a vibrant ecosystem. A natural sanctuary where birds, tiny creatures, and people coexist in harmony.

Sustainability News


Sustainability Report 2023

Our Previous Sustainability Reports

How We #EmpowerLiving through Sustainability in the Past